Examinee Detail
Exam Center: AHM Registration Number: 1000001
Name: XXXX XXXX Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Date of Exam: dd/mm/yyyy Maximum marks: 100
Exam Instructions

About Question Papers: 

  • There are in all 100 Questions for this exam, ENGLISH LANGUAGE – 40 Questions, REASONING-VERBAL AND ARITHMETIC – 30 Questions, GENERAL KNOWLEDGE & AWARENESS – 15 Questions and Computer Basics – 15 Questions. All Questions carry 1 mark each.
  • You will be given 90 minutes to answer all questions.
  • There is no negative marking.
  • Questions will be in One language – English

About answering the questions:

  • The candidates are requested to follow the instructions of the "Test Administrator" carefully. If any candidate does not follow the instructions / rules, it would be treated as a case of misconduct / adoption of unfair means. 
  • The candidates may ask the Test Administrator their doubts or questions only before the commencement of the test. No query shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination. 
  • To answer a question, candidate must ‘Mouse-click’ the circle besides the alternative he/she feels appropriate/correct and then Click on any of the navigation buttons i.e. ‘Next’ OR ‘Previous’. The clicked alternative/option shall be treated as the answer given by the candidate for the question. The corresponding question number in the left panel will appear in Green.
  • You can choose to deselect the already indicated answer by clicking the "Reset Answer" button. 
  • You may Mark for Review questions which you would want to reconfirm later. Questions Marked for review will appear in Blue colour in the navigation box.
  • In case of power failure or Loss of internet connection or some sort of problem with the candidate machines, the candidate’s responses are saved up to last successful click and stored in databases. When candidates logs in again, test will resume from the same stage.
  • You would be provided with a sheet of paper for rough-work. You would need to use your own pencil.

About the Preview and Submission:

  • Exam will be automatically submitted at the end of stipulated time.
  • At the End of the session, you should check the summary displayed with regard to the number of questions shown as delivered and the number of questions actually attempted by you.
  • Please note that you will not be permitted to submit your test before the stipulated time.
I have read and understood the instructions.All computer hardware alloted to me are in proper working condition.I declare that i am not in possession of/not wearing/not carrying any prohibited gadget like mobile phone,bluetooth devices etc/any prohibited material with me into the examination hall. I agree that in case of not adhering to the instructions, I shall be liable to be debarred from this test/or to disciplinary actions which may include ban from future test/examinations.
Name: XXX XXX[1000001]
Center: AHM
Remaining Time: 00:30:00
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Mark for Review


Name: XXX XXX[1000001]
Center: AHM
Remaining Time: 00:30:00

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